Centre de cercetare

Centrul European de Studii Manageriale și Administrarea Afacerii - CESMAA

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Centrul European de Studii Manageriale și Administrarea Afacerii - CESMAA

European Center of Managerial Studies in Business Administration


Centrul European de Studii și Cercetări Juridice și Administrative - CESCJA

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Centrul European de Studii și Cercetări Juridice și Administrative - CESCJA

Cercuri științifice

Departamentul Științe Economice

Denumirea  cercului

Program de studiu


Programarea şedinţelor


Responsabil activitate cercetare ştiinţifică studenţi şi masteranzi:

Asist.univ.dr. Loredana VĂCĂRESCU-HOBEANU  

Organizarea cercurilor științifice studențești

CIEL – Manager – Cerc şi Laborator de contabilitate informatizatăL – Manager – Cerc şi Laborator de contabilitate informatizată

Contabilitate şi Informatică de Gestiune

Conf.univ.dr. Madălina BOGDAN – coordonator de specialitate

O dată pe semestru

Et. 3

Sala 301

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DIAFIN-RISC.EV – Cerc şi Laborator de Finanţe şi bănci

Contabilitate și informatică de gestiune – Management

Conf.univ.dr. Dragoş ILIE – coordonator de specialitate

O dată pe semestru



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Management și Antreprenoriat


Prof.univ.dr. Mihail NEGULESCU – coordonator de specialitate

O dată pe semestru

Et. 2

Sala 200

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Laborator de Informatică Economică PNNR  Contabilitate și informatică de gestiune

Prof.univ.dr. Laura NICOLA GAVRILĂ

coordonator de specialitate

O dată pe semestru  

Departamentul Științe Juridice și Administrative

Responsabil activitate cercetare ştiinţifică studenţi şi masteranzi: lect.univ.dr. Bogdan GHIDIRMIC

Denumirea cercului Program de studiu Coordonatori Programarea ședințelor Sala

Cercul ştiinţific de Drept public


Conf. univ. dr. COSTACHE Gheorghe – coordonator de specialitate

O dată pe semestru

Sala 201

/on line Google meet

Cercul ştiinţific de Drept privat

Conf. univ. dr. CIOCOIU Mariana  coordonator de specialitate

O dată pe semestru

Sala 202

/on line Google meet

Cercul ştiinţific de Științe Administrative

Administrație Publică

Lect. univ. dr. Cristiana BANU coordonator de specialitate

O dată pe semestru

Sala 204

/on line Google meet

Jurnale științifice

Journal of Law and Public Administration



Journal of Law and Public Administration is currently indexed in HeinOnline, CEEOL and WorldCat international databases.


Scope and Aims

The Journal of Law and Public Administration (JoLPA) aims to build - through interdisciplinary academic studies on legal and administrative science - a solid bridge between theory and practice and contribute to the development of democratic institutions.

The new journal, founded in 2015, addresses academics, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, Ph.D. students and post-doctoral scholars.

The journal appears biannually and publishes scientific contributions covering a wide range of subjects including: criminal law, civil law, constitutional law, administrative law, public policy, public administration, civil rights and civil liberties, public international law, private international law, international human rights law, European Union law, environmental law, intellectual property, forensics and criminology, business law, legal sociology, history of law, juridical philosophy.

True to its interdisciplinary character, The Journal of Law and Public Administration also welcomes scholarly papers from philosophers, historians, experts in economics, and others who are deeply interested in intellectual debates on legal theory and practice or on political and administrative challenges.

Journal of Applied Economic Sciences



jaes-150x105.jpg ISSN: 1843-6110   ISSN-L: 2393-5162

Editor in Chief: Laura Nicola-Gavrilă  Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. 

Journal of Applied Economic Sciences (JAES) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal focused on publishing research articles related to various aspects of applied economics. Our Journal seeks to bridge the gap between economic theory and practical applications, contributing to the development of effective economic policies and practices being interested in publishing research that uses innovative and cutting-edge methodologies to explore economic questions, including the use of new data sources, advanced statistical techniques, and computational methods to enhance the rigor and relevance of economic research.


Journal of Applied Economic Sciences (JAES) serves a broad and diverse audience interested in applied economics. Our readership includes academic researchers and scholars, such as university professors, lecturers, and students at all levels, who seek to stay informed about the latest research findings, theoretical developments, and practical applications in applied economics. Economists and policy makers working in governmental and non-governmental organisations, think tanks, and international institutions also find value in our journal as they formulate, analyse, and implement economic policies. Additionally, industry professionals and practitioners in sectors such as finance, banking, business, and consultancy use our Journal to apply economic principles and research to real-world problems and decision-making processes. Educational institutions, including libraries, research centers, and universities, rely on our journal to support teaching, learning, and further research. Students and early-career researchers benefit from the current economic research provided by Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, aiding their studies and research projects.

The specific aims and scope of the Journal of Applied Economic Sciences generally include, but are not limited to the following:


  •   Applied Economics Research. JAES seeks to publish original research papers that apply economic theories, methodologies, and empirical analysis to address practical economic problems. The journal covers a broad range of applied economic topics.


  •   Interdisciplinary Approach. The journal encourages interdisciplinary research that combines economics with other social sciences, such as finance, management, international business, information technologies, sociology, or political science, to offer comprehensive insights into complex economic issues, fostering a holistic understanding of the interplay between economics and other fields.


  •   Policy Relevance. JAES focuses on research with direct policy implications and relevance for policymakers, government agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organisations. The aim is to provide evidence-based guidance for economic decision-making, helping to inform and shape effective economic policies and strategies.


  •   Empirical Studies. The journal welcomes empirical studies that use various quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse economic phenomena, such as econometric modelling, statistical analysis, case studies, experimental economics, and surveys. These empirical investigations aim to provide robust and data-driven insights into economic issues.


Journal of Applied Economic Sciences (JAES) aims to include research that reflects a global perspective, considering economic issues and solutions from different regions and countries. This diversity helps to enrich the journal's content and provides a broader understanding of how economic theories and applications can vary across different contexts.


Journal of Applied Economic Sciences is published quarterly in Spring (30th March), Summer (30th June), Fall (30th September) and Winter (30th December). Journal's digital preservation, electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content are in line with the Archiving & Repository Policies of Publishing House.

Journal of Applied Economic Sciences is currently indexed in: